
  • Lists 是序列式容器,但其記憶體的分配並非連續的。
  • 跟 vector 相比,其遍歷的速度會較慢\(O(n)\,但一旦位置確定後,其插入(insert)或移除(delete)元素的速度很快\(O(1)\)。
  • 一般來說,List 指的是雙向鏈結陣列(doubly linked list)。
  • 而單向鏈結陣列則為 forward_list


  • #include <list>


  • list<data_type> list_name;


list<int> lst;          // 宣告


1. front()

2. back()

3. push_front()

4. push_back()

5. pop_front()

6. pop_back()

7. list::begin()

8. list::end()

9. list::rbegin()

10. list::rend()

11. list::cbegin()

12. list::cend()

13. list::crbegin()

14. list::crend()

15. empty()

16. insert()

17. erase()

18. assign()

19. remove()

20. list::remove_if()

21. reverse()

22. size()

23. list::resize()

24. sort()

25. list::max_size()

26. list::unique()

27. list::emplace_front()

28. list::emplace_back()

29. list::clear()

30. list::operator=

31. list::swap()

32. list::splice()

33. list::merge()4

34. list::emplace()


#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <list>

using namespace std;

void print(list<int> lst){
    list<int>::iterator it;
    for (it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it){
        cout << *it << " ";
    cout << "\n";

int main(){
    list<int> lst1, lst2;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
    cout << "List1 is : ";
    cout << "List2 is : ";

    cout << "List1.front() : " << lst1.front() << "\n";
    cout << "List2.back() : " << lst2.back() << "\n";

    cout << "After List1.pop_front() : ";
    cout << "After List2.pop_back() : ";

    cout << "After List1.reverse() : ";

    cout << "After List2.sort() : "; 

    return 0;


1. list.front()

  • Returns the value of the first element in the list.

2. list.back()

  • Returns the value of the last element in the list.

3. list.push_front(E val)

  • Adds a new element val at the beginning of the list.

4. list.push_back(E val)

  • Adds a new element val at the end of the list.

5. list.pop_front()

  • Removes the first element of the list, and reduces size of the list by 1. Won’t return value.

6. list.pop_back()

  • Removes the last element of the list, and reduces size of the list by 1. Won’t return value.

7. list.begin()

  • Returns a iterator pointing to the first element of the list.

6. list.end()

  • Returns a iterator pointing to the theoretical last element which follows the last element.

7. list.rbegin()

  • Returns a reverse iterator which points to the last element of the list.

8. list.rend()

  • Returns a reverse iterator which points to the position before the beginning of the list.

9. list.cbegin()

  • Returns a constant random access iterator which points to the beginning of the list.

10. list.cend()

  • Returns a constant random access iterator which points to the end of the list.

11. list.crbegin()

  • Returns a constant reverse random access iterator which points to the beginning of the list.

12. list.crend()

  • Returns a constant reverse random access iterator which points to the end of the list.

13. list.empty()

  • Returns whether the list is empty or not.

14. list.insert(pos, n, val)

  • pos: iterator, to point out the position to insert
  • n: the numbers of val to insert (optional, default = 1)
  • val: the insert elements
  • Inserts new elements in the list before the element at a specified position.

15. list.erase(pos)

  • pos: iterator, to point out the position to erase
  • Removes a single element from the list.

16. list.erase(first, last)

  • first: iterator, to point out the begining of the range.
  • last: iterator, to point out the end of the range.
  • Removes a range of elements from the list.

17. list.assign()

18. list.remove()

19. list.remove_if()

20. list.reverse()

21. list.size()

22. list.resize()

23. list.sort()

24. list.max_size()

25. list.unique()

26. list.emplace_front()

27. list.emplace_back()

28. list.clear()

29. list.swap()

30. list.splice()

31. list.merge()

32. list.emplace()