223. Rectangle Area
- Hardness:
- Ralated Topics:
Given the coordinates of two rectilinear rectangles in a 2D plane, return the total area covered by the two rectangles.
The first rectangle is defined by its bottom-left corner (ax1, ay1)
and its top-right corner (ax2, ay2)
The second rectangle is defined by its bottom-left corner (bx1, by1)
and tis top-right corner (bx2, by2)
Example 1:
- Input: ax1 = -3, ay1 = 0, ax2 = 3, ay2 = 4, bx1 = 0, by1 = -1, bx2 = 9, by2 = 2
- Output: 45
Example 2:
- Input: ax1 = -2, ay1 = -2, ax2 = 2, ay2 = 2, bx1 = -2, by1 = -2, bx2 = 2, by2 = 2
- Output: 16
-10^4 <= ax1 <= ax2 <= 10^4
-10^4 <= ay1 <= ay2 <= 10^4
-10^4 <= bx1 <= bx2 <= 10^4
-10^4 <= by1 <= by2 <= 10^4
- 矩形的面積為長寬相加,所以以題目所示,單個矩形的面積為
,但此題需考慮到重疊的情形發生,需將重疊的部分額外扣掉。 - 兩個矩形重疊的小矩形的 bottom-left corner 為
,top-right corner 為(min(ax2,bx2),min(ay2,by2))
。- 但注意到當下列情形發生的時候,兩個矩形不發生重疊:
cx1 >= cx2 || cy1 >= cy2
- 但注意到當下列情形發生的時候,兩個矩形不發生重疊:
- 為方便計算,將矩形寫成一個物件。
struct Rect {
int x1,x2,y1,y2;
1. Math
- Time complexity:
- Space complexity:
struct Rect {
int x1,y1,x2,y2;
Rect(int x1_, int y1_, int x2_, int y2_):x1(x1_),y1(y1_),x2(x2_),y2(y2_) {}
int area() {
return (x1 >= x2 || y1 >= y2) ? 0 : (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1); // 不重疊則回傳面積 0
class Solution {
int computeArea(int ax1, int ay1, int ax2, int ay2, int bx1, int by1, int bx2, int by2) {
Rect a(ax1,ay1,ax2,ay2);
Rect b(bx1,by1,bx2,by2);
Rect c(max(ax1,bx1),
return a.area() + b.area() - c.area();